Cat is a popular pet for a lot of people but can your cat earn its own money like this cat does? Known as Cashnipkitty, this cat is owned by Stuart McDaniel who works at the marketing agency called Gurustu in Oklahoma in the United States.
This cat was initially adopted to chase mice at Stuart’s workplace. But not long after they found quite a lot of money near the entrance to the office Of course, that seemed pretty strange, right ? After keeping an eye on it it turns out that a few people passing by the building were leaving money for the little brown cat.
While leaving money, they also played with the cute little kitty. Just watch as someone slides money in between the glass office door, . Cute, right? Maybe over time this became a source of entertainment for passers-by. The people giving money to the cat started coming by more often until quite a lot of cash was getting wedged in the door. Hmm If this is how it is, wouldn’t you like to be a cat? After that Cashnipkitty became popular in the city of Tulsa and even made an appearance on TV.
No wonder she has a fan page on Facebook and Instagram with the name Cashnipkitty. The money the cat receives is donated by her owner to a local charity the Tulsa Day Center for the Homeless to later be distributed to the homeless in the area. Hey, well done, huh? Seems like a lot of good comes from this little kitty.
This mother cat deserves a round of applause for bringing her sick kitten to the hospital herself. Whoa Can a cat do that? According to this story went viral after a Twitter user named @ozcanmervee uploaded it onto his account. It also became a hot topic in social media and the news because it was such an unexpected sight.
This stripy three-coloured cat was swarmed by medics in Turkey when she brought her sick kitten to them. It’s no wonder that happened given that the people of Turkey are well known for their love of strays including street cats compared to other countries. While her kitten was receiving treatment the mother cat was also given milk while she waited.
CASHnip Kitty Facebook
The good news is her kitten made a full recovery. Street cats certainly have a lot of street smarts. One such cat is this white one living on the streets of Mexico who asks for food in his own way. When he was approached by a passer-by named Tania Lizbeth this cat coaxed Tania to go to the supermarket nearby where he was waiting.
After that he showed Tania where the cat food rack was with the hopes that the human would buy it for him. In the end, Tania bought him the blue cat food Wow, pretty clever, huh? Not only that Tania then adopted this street cat to come and live with her, This white cat was given the name Conejo, which means rabbit and is now no longer a street cat.
Finally humans and cats can have an unexpectedly close bond, right? One such relationship is between this orange cat with her owner who passed away. Although her owner died over two years ago this cat faithfully visits her owner’s final resting place. Whoa we really respect that, orange cat. We now know this orange cat is named Nana and is the family cat of Facebook user Hazlynn Nozi. Despite her “dad” having passed away over two years ago Nana routinely visits his grave, located not far from the family home.